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About the client

Stone London is a personal fitness coaching and health assessment centre based in London. They have boutique studios in Kensington and Bank. They are helping thousands of individuals to look and feel their best with personalised fitness training and support.

Industry Health and Fitness Location UK Engagement period 2022-2023 Technologies Java, Angular, PostgreSQL

Business challenge

Overcoming the one-size-fits-all approach in corporate wellness

Stone London wanted to launch a corporate wellness programme for professional teams. They realised that most corporate wellness programs are too generic, not tailored to employees’ individual needs and hence fail to make a significant difference.

To address this, our client designed a unique health score system that gives an individual a Health and Wellness Quotient (HAWQ) score based on a two-part assessment:

  • A questionnaire that collects health data from the user and based on that a provisional HAWQ score is calculated for the user.
  • An on-site assessment conducted for each employee and its score combined with the provisional score to generate a final HAWQ score.

Stone London aimed to offer their client organisations personalised training for their employees to optimise their physical and mental well-being and improve their score over time.

Bringing this concept to life required a bespoke health assessment software.

Utilising a proprietary algorithm that our client had devised, this platform would automatically calculate the health score based on the questionnaire and the on-site assessment results.

They reached out to GoodCore to build this platform.

The solution

Project goals

wellness dashboard

The project entailed the following requirements:

  • Program a bespoke algorithm into the platform to calculate health scores using Stone London’s specific scoring formulae.
  • Build tools and functionality for employers as well as employees. In addition, a powerful platform admin control for the Stone London team.
  • Prioritise an intuitive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design to ensure the platform is easy to navigate and understand for all user groups.

Platform components

The platform named hawqscore comprises three web-based dashboards for employees, employers, and Stone London’s staff.

  • Employee dashboard: Enables users to take health quizzes, track their hawq score, and access personalised wellness recommendations from Stone London.
  • Employer dashboard: Company leaders can view the overall hawq score of their organisation and view the cohorts and the team members list.
  • Admin dashboard: Used by Stone London's staff, it facilitates the setup and management of organisations and cohorts, the input of on-site health test data, and the customisation of health recommendations for both teams and individuals.
hawq score screens ui

Product development challenges and solutions

Challenge #1: Automated HAWQ score calculation

One significant challenge in this project was implementing the custom proprietary algorithm for health scoring. Stone London provided a detailed framework of questions along with their answers and respective scoring values for each answer. The complexity lay in accurately mapping each answer to its scoring value and then aggregating the total points from all the quiz questions to formulate an individual's health score.

Solution: Custom algorithm implementation

To overcome this challenge, we configured the scoring points provided by Stone London into the system's algorithm.

We developed a formula to calculate the HAWQ score, which not only considered the responses from the quiz but also integrated data from on-site health assessments for each individual.

This formula was designed to give appropriate weightage to both the provisional quiz score and the on-site assessment data, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate calculation of the final HAWQ score.

Automated HAWQ score calculation

Challenge #2: Privacy and security of health data

An important aspect in developing the HAWQ score system was ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive employee health data. It was crucial to design a system where the interface revealed only the necessary information to authorised users, given the confidential nature of personal health information. This required a specialised approach to data access and security, ensuring compliance with GDPR privacy regulations and maintaining user trust.

Solution: Role-based access and robust security

To address this challenge, we implemented a careful strategy to anonymise data and a role-based access control system.

Employees, employers, and Stone London administrators each had access only to the functionalities and data pertinent to their roles.

For employees, this meant access to their personal health scores and recommendations; for employers, anonymised data and team insights; and for administrators, comprehensive access for management and support.

Additionally, we secured the database and API connections with advanced security protocols.

Data encryption, secure authentication methods, and regular security audits were part of our approach to ensure that the platform complies with the GDPR regulations, instilling confidence among all users.

Role-based access and robust security advanced security protocols

Challenge #3: Short development timeline

Stone London had a tight timeline for the development of the hawqscore platform. They were eager to launch their corporate wellness programme and required the platform to be fully operational within a three-month window. This constraint demanded a highly efficient and rapid development process to deliver a high-quality product in a short timeframe.

Solution: Agile development and process optimisation

To expedite the development process, we implemented Agile sprints focused on specific functionalities like questionnaire development and results analysis for iterative feedback and improvements on each component.

We automated testing for key functions such as the accuracy of assessment results and user interface responsiveness.

Additionally, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines were established for frequent updates, which included quiz algorithm, UI enhancements, and database modifications.

To further accelerate the development, we employed the strategy of crashing, intensifying resources and efforts in critical areas to expedite the project activities.

Challenge #4: Ensuring an intuitive UI/UX for varied user types

Considering the platform would be used by employees, employers, and Stone London's staff, each with different objectives, the UI/UX design had to cater to the diverse needs of different user types. Moreover, in the SaaS space, where ease of use and accessibility are key to user retention, the design needed to be user-friendly and easily navigable for all.

Solution: User-centric design approach

We started by creating detailed user personas for each user type to understand their motivations, behaviours, and goals. This understanding defined the functional requirements and user stories, illustrating how each feature would be used.

We then logically organised content and features, ensuring intuitive and consistent navigation across all dashboards. Wireframes and prototypes were developed for the layout and interaction patterns of the platform.

To validate and refine our designs, we conducted usability testing with each user type, using real-world scenarios to gather feedback and make adjustments. This approach ensured that the platform was user-friendly for all, regardless of their role.

Ensuring an intuitive UI/UX for varied user types

GoodCore Software was very proactive about keeping in touch with my team. We were involved in every stage and were informed about all the decisions being made. Any time they had any updates, they emailed the whole team. We had online meetings, and we felt more involved in the conversation than we had expected.

Livvy Probert

Livvy Probert, Co-Founder,



The impact

  • The hawqscore platform facilitated the successful launch of Stone London's corporate wellness programme, "hawq teams," effectively revolutionising their approach to corporate wellness.
  • Stone London quickly onboarded about a dozen new organisations as their clients who are utilising the hawqscore platform for assessing and optimising the physical and mental well-being of their employees.
  • The platform has provided businesses with essential resources, testing, and support to address issues like employee burnout, sickness, absenteeism, and poor mental health.
  • Following the platform's success in the corporate sector, Stone London has expanded its services to individuals and athletes with "hawq one" and "hawq sport," leveraging the platform's capabilities to cater to a wider audience.

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